June 2019 Minutes

June Minutes 

McAuliffe Parent Teacher Connection

Regular Meeting

The Regular Meeting of the McAuliffe Parent Teacher Connection was held on June 18, 2019  at 1 p.m. the home of Jessica Dressley-Hastings, Minnesota


The following members were present:

Jessica Dressley, Artist Coutier, Christa Hamann, Kim Pond


A motion was made by Jessica Dressley to approve the agenda. Ayes all, nays none, motion carried.


A motion was made by Jessica Dressley to approve the minutes of the May  Regular Meeting. Ayes all, nays none, motion carried.


Treasury Report: Jessica Dressley


Principal’s Report: None given


Action Items:


A motion was made by Jessica Dressley to approve a MEMBERSHIP RELATING TO THE USE OF PTO TODAY FINANCE MANAGER. Ayes all, nays none, motion carried.


A motion was made by Jessica Dressley to approve funds given back to her, relating to the incorporation of McAuliffe Parent Teacher Connection. 


A motion was made by Jessica Dressley to order checks. Ayes all, nays none, motion carried.


Meeting Dates:

Regular Meeting 8/6/2019 7:00 PM

There being no further business, a motion was made by Jessica Dressley to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 2:15p.m.

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